
20160424 UK – Business – Snow

I needed to make a quick trip to the UK to host a few workshops, getting started training and a business presentation.  It was an interesting experience!

First catch the bus back:


I took the Ryanair one and we had a pleasant flight!


Next stop was hosting a workshop in Essex, so 3 hrs in the car (longer than the flight!)


and arrived with 10mins to spare!

Excellent evening with some amazing business Entrepreneurs. We started with a fun exercise to get the brains going, covered some skills training, then ended with a discussion on common objections or concerns that we encounter when explaining how our business operates. Some great answers that will be added to our team website for use as part of our toolkit for the regular team meetings and skills trainings.

1-2-1 meetings and then negotiate the wonderful motorway network… Cars in a long line in all directions!


Another workshop in the Midlands and we had a repeat performance of the Essex one, great discussions and additional material to add to the ever growing  toolkit on the website.

The last day was hosting/facilitating a getting started classroom training with the wonderful Satie and we had a classroom of delegates that were an absolute delight to help.  Finish off the evening with a Business Presentation for enquiring potential future business partners and a quick catch up with the existing ones.


Spending those few days helping others on the start of their journey or those already on their way was very rewarding and caused me to reflect on the choices we make, the prioritising and sacrifices. With some good goals, passion and a proven plan, it’s well worth the effort!

Then the morning frost – at the end of April – happy to head back to the airport for a return bus!
