Mallorca Cycling

20160423 Day Off – Not So Sure

After a busy week with the cycling tour and off tomorrow for a few days of business meetings, lets just have a gentle leg spinning social ride and rest? Well, the first hour went well, spinning down lanes with friends but then as I felt good and rested, thoughts turned to “I have only done 1 or 2 hard training sessions this year, maybe some big gears stuff?”  So, I duly did a right turn as the Mountains over Lluc way seemed rather appealing – blue sky, sun shining, etc. So big ring engaged, head for Inca, over to Selva and Caimari, then up we go. 7.9km at 5% and a nice steady rhythm. All going well until a bend is blocked by a coach and cars, with no way through it’s track stand time (I have to admit dropping into the small ring for this – safety), 45secs later, resume the effort (back in the big ring). 23 mins later (22 without the stop) cruise over the top, big smile (passed lots of riders…) and enjoy the descent back.  Post ride, down to the beach to have that rest day! Quick swim to loosen up and enjoy the empty beach while planning the next few days trip and meetings content.


Mountains look good?

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Over the top and Summer is getting closer in the valley.



Where is everybody? Sun’s out, warm, comfortable…


Oh yes, the post ride recovery snack!