Mallorca Cycling

20160803 Mountains At Dawn

With the constant hot temperatures and not so early bike rides, we decided to go for an early start today and as it was Pon and Anna’s last ride, let’s do a short Mountain route but include some great views. So that decides it then – MA10 road, straight up past Lluc, Sa Calobra junction, Gorg Blau, Cuber and turn around the far side of the Monnaber Tunnel, as we have to check the view down to Soller if we are up there!   The tunnel is at around 854m and a round trip of 53 miles from the Port and 4,400 ft of climbing.  Today we were not disappointed with the choice, we had very quiet roads, great views and one of the best views of Soller from the top, not much haze.  Earlier in the week, we had covered the usual places for hot weather months – Sa Calobra, Coll de sa Bataia, Mancor, Son Serra and Sineu.  Good luck to Pon and Anna in their Triathlon this weekend.

Alan, Billy, Stevie, Anna, Pon and Zuzana, with Tim and Roger joining us until the drink stop.



Sineu ride was an interesting route and a sting in the tail up past the golf course!IMG_6639IMG_6633IMG_6642IMG_6643