Mallorca Cycling

Randa & A Hero

Monday was a Mallorca Cycling Tours, 3 groups steady ride to Randa. Great weather and we had a most enjoyable time pedalling along the quiet smooth lanes.  For those who had ridden Randa-Cura before, they had a nice surprise as the road had been resurfaced since last year and now the climb is easier than before!

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Before descending, a quick phone call to Bar Triquet to warn that 40 riders will be arriving on mass in 1 hour for sustainance. All down safely, regroup and make our way to Sineu for a well earned lunch stop.  On arrival, the leg pains vanished as there was a pleasant surprise in the form of Irish legend and cycling hero to many of Sean Kelly! Sean was as accommodating as ever, a few selfies were taken and then the need for food took priority!IMG_4893

On the spin back to the Port, we were then graced by Sean’s presence again, as he tagged along for a while – what a superstar!
