
20160702 Hope Hospice Charity Ride Snowdonia

For quite a few Summers now, we take part in a charity bike ride for Hope Hospice, organised by Robin and Cal Brooks.  It’s an event that most years has an associated business seminar the following day, so the entrants are mainly fellow business partners.  It gives us a chance to catch up and raise some money for a great cause. This year there was no seminar, so a BBQ after the ride.  As it’s located near to Llandudno, where my Brother’s family live, it gave us an opportunity to also catch up with them the night before!

Catching up with my Brothers family in Llandudno at the superb La Taverna – excellent place to eat. Nobody wanted deserts so instead of cake, it’s Limoncello. Great prep for Saturday’s charity bike ride. Promise I will devour cake Saturday!IMG_9550

Here are a few pictures from the ride and BBQ and thanks to Robin and Cal, fantastic hosts as always!

Start at Hope Hospice
North Wales Coastal Bike Path
Quick cafe stop in Llanberis before the climbing



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