Mallorca Cycling

20160503 MCT Day3 Sa Calobra

Before embarking on day 3, I have to admit to an enjoyable refuelling last night at Sea Bar Is, with a beautiful view of the bay as the sun was setting. Here’s the cake, not the view!


So today was Sa Calobra. Clear blue sky and warmer. Straight up from Pollenca, quick coffee at the Petrol Station and then traverse across to the Coll de Reis before dropping down the iconic descent.

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Ben demonstrating good cornering technique.

I went down slightly ahead to take some GoPro footage and photos.  All safely down, no group photo as they were so keen to tackle the climb back up, so a quick me only photo.

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I undertook last man up, as we like to ensure we don’t lose riders going up or down!  Great ascent today, not too busy, warm, with a breeze and enough bikes around to motivate you!  No rest at the top and straight back to the Petrol station and down to Caimari for lunch at the Sports Centre.

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Sun trap, food, drink and resting of the legs before the hour back via Campanet, the bumpy hill and Campanet Lane.

IMG_5206All back safely and a great day out!  Wednesday will be a rest(ish) day with a trip to Petra.